Each year, Australians waste on average 7.6 million tonnes of food, one in five shopping bags, or approx 312kgs per person. Equivalent to $2000 – $2500 per year. The amount of land used to grow the food that we waste, is larger than the size of Victoria. The water used is over 2600 gigalitres, equivalent to 5 Sydney Harbours. Throwing away a single Hamburger is the equivalent to the water wasted by having a 90 minute shower. Often this issue is overlooked, as the scale of it is hard to conceive. Food waste also contributes to food insecurity in Australia. According to the 2018 Foodbank Hunger report, more than 18% of Australians, and 1 in 5 children, suffer from food insecurity. Reducing food waste in your own home can significantly assist in preventing those less fortunate from going hungry. This was noticeable during the first stages of the Covid pandemic, as supermarket shelves were stripped bare, as people with means stockpiled groceries, those living meal to meal, were left with slim pickings, while at the same time, food waste during this period in Australia peaked to its highest levels.
Here are some handy solutions to reduce your waste, and the impact that has on the environment.